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To the BBC stringer who took my picture without asking (and then demurred over sending me a copy)

Well, I guess we’re even now, huh?


You told me to let go.

So I did.


I think what I like most about your 8″ black rubber cock is the pink satin bag you keep it in.


Life with me will be bad for your

relationship with your parents/friends
chances of getting into heaven*

(though not necessarily in that order).

But I’d like to think it’s still worth a shot.

* optional


Funny thing about
blood: it smells exactly like
old copper money.

The act of love (pace Roger McGough)

The act of love is to
love what
engineering is to
– application, relevance,
without which
there’d not be much point.

Love not(e)

A. I love you.

B. Fuck you.

Opening line

We were in a car-crash, you and I.

To a girl I once dated who thought herself smarter than me (BA Oxon., BA Oxon., MA Cantab.) and who ‘put me on to’ Philip Roth

I am reading The Breast and thinking of you.

L’elisir d’amore

To celebrate her going on the pill we uncorked a good bottle of wine.
Afterwards, I couldn’t get it up.